Our Executive Coaching
How Executive Coaching differs to other methodologies
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Coaching allows you:
‘To step confidently into your as yet unknown, future potential’ (Abbott, C. ) with the greatest likelihood of successful, measurable outcomes that are supported by data. It facilitates you to 'live your best life'.
Coaching is:
‘A style of leadership within itself' (Goleman).
Despite unpredictable risk factors, known/ unknown variables, coaching supports coachees to navigate their way through the wilderness toward success; leading their teams in unison, achieving shared goals, and driving forward progressive growth.
Our clients can feel stuck in a rut, frustrated, doubting the value of their contribution in their work. Clients may not know what to do, and realise that they need help to find a way forward. Executive Coaching pulls the answers from them and constructs them into achievable goals and a way forward. It links you back to your organisation or your aspirations.
Our clients can feel stuck in a rut, frustrated, doubting the value of their contribution in their work. Clients may not know what to do, and realise that they need help to find a way forward. Executive Coaching pulls the answers from them and constructs them into achievable goals and a way forward. It links you back to your organisation or your aspirations.
Why Executive Coaching?
At Locus Partnership we believe Executive Coaching develops the individual’s abilities to grow in the following areas:
1. Strategy
2. Leadership
3. Productivity
4. Wellbeing
5. Personal Growth/Development
6. Confidence
Executive Coaching
As a leadership itsel stykef, Goleman states it can enhance leadership capacity, help focus on clearly established and communicated goals, and accomodate a dynamically shifting environment with multi faceted challenges.
Mentoring is a valuable approach to learning, upskilling, and keeping all levels of the organisation in touch. It can be defined as ‘ supporting and encouraging people to manage their learning in order that they may maximise their potential, develop their skills, improve their performance’ (Parsloe & Wray).
That said, there is an argument that it only ever skills the practitioner to the level of the expert mentor; therefore there is still an opportunity for further development to be achieved (beyond the level of the Exper Mentor). If this position is accepted, Mentoring has limitations within the knoledge the mentor is able to pass on.
Conversly, Coaching has no such limitation as it asks the coachees to explore thinking, future possibilities, impact analysis of change etc.. Coaching unlocks a person’s potential to maximise their own performance, helping them to progressivley learn rather than teaching them (Whitmore).
So What?
The Currency of the Board Room is Different
- How you think and act in response to situations
- Your ability to network and connect effectively with others at a senior level to allow for joined up working, support in times of crisis etc.
Given this, and the need to do one's best to avoid barriers such as unconscious bias or imposter syndrome, whilst also providing excellent responses to situations that are emerging in the moment, it is clear that a different model is needed to support senior leaders and executives grow in their roles and achieve excellence. Mentoring and teaching cannot provide full competencies at this level.
- 1. Leadership Style and presence
- 2. Team Cohesiveness
- 3. Change Management
- 4. Collegiality